In this document I will be explaining the purpose of my website, what it will provide for the targeted audience. I will also explain the reason behind the purpose of my website, why I think it’s suitable for its target audience and why I think it will work for the internet.
The Purpose:
The purpose of my website is to provide information on Personal Computer (PC) hardware, how to replace hardware components such as graphics cards and sound cards and even starting from scratch with a brand new case. I plan to have a basic guide on deciding which pieces of hardware you should buy, a guide on graphics card selection, motherboard selection and case selection. I also plan on providing a top builds page for a budget-buyer, top-tier and the best PC possible to be built.
This website will be done in order to teach the target audience how to build a PC themselves, why they should build a PC themselves, where to buy different hardware and how to select the right components. This will also be slightly gaming orientated, since I will be including information on which graphics cards to select (which are mostly used for gaming). I will also explain the benefits of building a PC yourself over buying a pre-built PC or gaming console. I might also include some news pages based on new hardware components coming out, technologies, etc. But this is only an extension of the website and will only be done if I have
sufficient time.
Target Audience:
The target audience will be a niche of people who build their computers and play on customised PC’s, their age group normally ranges from twenty-one to sixty-five. There are also some younger builders that can range from sixteen to twenty-one, however most of the people that build computers for gaming and other uses are usually found in the higher adult bracket. It will also target people who wish or who already work as an IT technician as this set of skills is required for such a job as well.
It may also target console gamers who want to migrate to PC gaming and learn how to build their own computers. I understand the target audience very well as I am too a part of this group of individuals, I will be able to fulfil the needs of the whole target audience efficiently.